Friday, February 14, 2020

A critique of the delivery of holistic sustainability and potential Essay

A critique of the delivery of holistic sustainability and potential for its enhancement within the built environment - Essay Example This is in contrast with scales at distinct level construction, which have become a common exercise. By taking into account exactitudes of celebrated and currentdevelopment practice, planners and participants through the interchangesexemplifyingcohesiveviable development are guided through the design stages to mound out a holistic sustainable progress. This requires appropriate weighting of environmental, fiscal and socio-cultural ideals of the community where the urban project is proposed to be implemented (Nijkamp 2007). Environmental impact is of the utmost importance and must be sufficiently assessed because of the existence of multiple regulations protecting the environment worldwide some of which have dire consequences which can bring a construction to a standstill (Stephen 2012). Holistic sustainable construction is rising fast through public awareness and ecological construction technologies are making a halt through (Allacker et al, 2008). These changes raise questions what holistic sustainable development means and how it is being approached and interpreted at different levels. It jeopardies sustainability, which remaining an ampule notion in urban scale. In this operational phase, stakeholders are challenged with the question of what applied holistic sustainability stands for, and how it can be appraised. Urban holistic development remains uncertain. Qualitative and quantitate integrated aspects should be taken into account when contextualizing results on operational sustainability (Nijkamp, 2007). Practical ecological performance needs to be calculated (Kanler, 2007). This helps to recognize sustainability at the urban scale level in relations of all-inclusive impressions. Ecological aspects are divided into six sub-categories; building parameters, materials, energy, water, supra-building scale level and land use mobility and emissions of nuisance. These subcategories are further broken down into

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Public smoking bans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public smoking bans - Essay Example There are a number of reasons for banning smoking in public places. First, such smoking endangers non – smokers, by exposing them to side stream or second hand smoke. Such smoke has been seen to cause dangerous ailments to the person who inhales it. Second, an undesirable example is set for the suggestible children, when smoking is permitted in public. Third, such prohibition enables smokers to discontinue smoking, thereby enabling them to lead a much healthier life (Khilawala). Fourth, banning smoking had legal and moral basis, which has proved to be successful in preventing young adults from falling prey to this deadly habit. Fifth, the proscription of smoking in public places has made it much more attractive to visit a discotheque or bar. Finally, the forbidding of such smoking has significantly reduced the number of individuals with cardiac complaints (Khilawala). There is consensus amongst the scientific community that smoking is extremely hazardous. It has now been confirmed that tobacco smoke results in cancer, cardiac ailments and strokes. However, it is essential to recognize that smoking harms the non – smoker, who happens to be in the vicinity of an individual who is smoking, to a much greater extent. Such passive smokers are at a considerably greater risk of contracting deadly disease (PROS vs. CONS). Furthermore, the non – smoker is forcibly exposed to smoke; and therein lies the iniquity and inequity of this untenable situation. Therefore, there is every justification to call for and impose a total ban on smoking in public. This is essential, if passive smoking is to be prevented. A recent report was categorical in declaring that approximately 440,000 denizens of the US die every year, due to the ill effects of smoking. Male smokers reduce their longevity, on an average, by 13.2 years; whereas, their female counterparts achieve a reduction of 14.5 years. The data on smoking reveals